Blog, Storyteller


Stories antidotes trivial falsehoods bard, visual storyteller, creating unique books with funny stories

I am often called Today, I needed a definition of my style. My books include stories, antidotes falsehoods, and i am often called a bard. Several friends said I was a storyteller. I asked Dan Ruminski for his suggestion. He is a man of few words and said,, try building on ‘storyteller.’

What in your mind is a Storyteller? I’m sure we all have a picture of a person whom we know could be called a Storyteller. Let’s first start with a Webster definition.

A Dictionary Definition reads: A storyteller is,,,

1. a person who writes stories or anecdotes
2. a person who tells more or less trivial falsehoods; fibber

Kramer’s Creative genius is displayed in BOTH Categories, often with an emphasis on Trivial falsehoods or creative humor.

Finding motivation and humor through the word and pictures has always inspired Kramer.
His novels are both fiction, and nonfiction and are written for all readers, his Life As Art explores the consequences of the tensions that many artists must have felt between short-term survival and long-term thinking, and the fragility of civilization and the human psyche in their creative processes.

But, in addition to  writing and publishing stories, Kramer also tell his stories thru his photography. His most recently released website uses visual storytelling and photography as the site’s motivation.

Please check out for a complete listing and descriptions of all my books and with an opportunity to order  a copy for yourself and as a gift for your family and friends.


About Admin

Friends call Kramer a unique photographer, a storyteller and a traveler and he is sharing his passions with you. Are you one of the many who loves one or more of five of his greatest passions? Here’s what are, Life Imitating Art Imitating Life, Architecture, Travel, Photography and Visual Storytelling. But don’t worry, this is not a treatise or serious presentation. So what is it? It’s a whimsical look at the world that will hopefully let you see the wit and humor of all of it as I do. And, in this website, I will show how I combine all of these interests thru visual storytelling, storytelling photography and often funny photography . But, certainly not to your surprise, you will find that my comments, photos and text are so diverse, going from factual to whimsical to outright fiction, that the title Theresmymind is very good choice for this website!

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2 thoughts on “Storyteller

  1. Admin says:

    great works,,,

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