Kramer, Electrical Genius, visual storyteller, creating Cool Photography, unique books funny stories, storyteller photographer
life is like a camera photographer image storyteller author
Kramer, Electrical Genius, visual storyteller, creating Cool Photography, unique books funny stories, storyteller photographer
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All About Kramer

First, A Little About Myself

Kramer’s father was an Electrical Engineer, and Kramer followed in his footsteps. In his career, he gained a great national and international reputation in Outdoor Lighting thru his work and his membership in the IES (Illuminating Engineering Society). In his extracurricular activities, he continued in developing into a unique photographer, a storyteller and a worldwide traveler. He shares his passions, thru capturing stories thru photos, becoming a storytelling photographer. With his Electrical Engineering background, he has introduced the Theory of Everything Electrical and has published his latest book dealing with Tesla and Toasters . Here you will find a great amount authenticated detail, awesome wit and factual references and a deep dive into technical reality.

Are you one of the many who loves one or more of five of his greatest passions? Here’s what they are, Life Imitating Art Imitating Life, Architecture, Travel, Photography and Visual Storytelling. But don’t worry, this is not a treatise or serious presentation.

So what is it? It’s a whimsical look at the world that will hopefully let you see the wit and humor of all of it as I do. And, in this website, I will show how I combine all of these interests thru visual storytelling, storytelling photography and often funny photography. But, certainly not to your surprise, you will find that my comments, photos and text are so diverse, going from factual to whimsical to outright fiction, that the title Theresmymind is very good choice for this website!

And you will see that my parents instilled in me a thirst for travel and adventure at an early age. So, I have traveled in all 50 states and over 90 countries around the world thus far.

And because of these passions, I have created several novels using the photographs and adding some text. I have submitted these literary works to several leading journals including National Geographic, The New Yorker, and Readers Digest, hoping for recognition and a chance at a best seller. I am eagerly awaiting my first acceptance letter!

The latest book featured on this website, Tesla to Toasters… is an effort to address the major topics of understanding electricity, climate change, elec power companies and government regulation. With my knowledge and background in electrical engineering and previous work experiences, I have added bits of humor and Kramer wit to a very technical and complicated subject. I have lived in Tennessee while I was employed by the Tennessee Valley Authority as one of several of my work experiences in addition to memberships in several national organizations.

When I travel, I always have my camera. It is my sketch pad, notebook and diary. The camera I usually carry is one of those digital SLRs with a Zoom Lens. Yes, it is heavy and bulky, but it takes great photos.

Recently, I stepped into the modern age with a ‘’Smart Phone,’’ you know, a pocket phone that has a camera built into it. (Boy, I wish I had thought of that combination)!

Throughout this website you will see many photos both on the Photography page and on the Books page. Most were taken with my older digital SLR with a Zoom Lens, it is still a trusted travel companion, but a growing number taken with a Smart Phone are being added for your amusement and entertainment.

Each of the books being offered have totally unique themes, but each story is being told graphically with the aid of my photos. The first book, Where Is My Mind, start with graffiti on a wall in Athens, Greece, and set the theme of wildly disjointed ideas. the second book, What Is Electricity, was inspired by my electrical engineering education and work experiences along with a a very oblique approach to Where it Goes When It Leaves the Toaster. The third book, Doors & More, reflects many of my interests in architecture. Art Imitating Life is a unique approach with a very whimsical interpretations of recognized works of art and my literary observations.

Define Life Imitating Art?
Perhaps you wonder what is “Life Imitating Art” – or is it “Art Imitating Life?” What does this really mean?       Here are a few thoughts,,,

It could be our efforts to try to understand the Chaos in our life,,,
or, It could demonstrate our readiness to ride into the beyond with no regard for consequences,,,
maybe, It demonstrates a passion for a better understanding of the World,,,
and, It becomes a mission to inspire creativity in our own Lives,,,
because, It is a message meant to inspire the imaginations of all who see it,,,

If you wonder where I’m from, I won’t keep you in the dark. I grew up on the North Coast of the United States (Cleveland, Ohio to be exact), have lived in Nashville, the Chicagoland area, and now I live and work in Sarasota, Florida.

I hope you enjoy many journeys on my website…

Authors, Artists & Storytellers
that have inspired and encouraged me,,,

Jane Wallace     Children’s books author
Susan Hale     Artist
Dan Ruminski     Storyteller